It was during the Christmas season a few years back in New York and my 3rd future ex and I were at a party for her theatre company (a lovely group of very talented folks, I might add) overlooking the Hudson River in midtown. I had to leave for a recording session and would be back no later than soon.
I take the subway downtown to do the session, a no-brainer, 30 second demo spot. On my way back it’s a fairly packed subway car, I’m standing next to one of the doors and a beat up woman with a beat up drum and a beat up marching drumstick staggers into the car, stands right next to me and a moment later is sitting on the ground.
Between the subway stop she got on and the next couple, she starts to beat on this drum with the stick (remarkably rhythm free) and is singing at the top of her lungs about how she’s homeless, her kids need food, won’t you please help us....etc....(let’s just say she was melodically challenged as well)
RIGHT NEXT TO ME! It was as loud as anything I’ve ever heard on any mode of transportation, including turning the car stereo all the way up and amps that go to 11. (I should point out at this juncture that my family has a propensity for attracting these types into our lives....let’s just say it’s not a wish I would use up on a Genie. We happen to be compassionate and caring types and I can’t even count how many crazies or good folks we’ve attracted into our lives, call it karma if you want, to me it’s just unbelievable! Oh, the stories we all have!)
So....this crazy, clearly high gal is beating and singing and annoying everyone in the subway car. I pull two dollars out of my pocket and say “I’ll give you $2 to stop that right now!” She stops, grabs the 2 bucks and starts yellin’ at me about how I was “lucky she didn’t have a gun” and smart ass me, a little pissed after giving this woman my last two dollars in cash (not to metion the aural aggravation we all endured) says, “you wouldn’t know how to point it, right now, would ya?” She got off at the next stop after vowing to do this and that to me.....i think deep iniside, she was probably embarrassed.....and oh yeah! No good deed goes unpunished.....poor gal
PS: I did recieve a smattering of applause from those that were left in the subway car....i shoulda bowed.....