happy me

happy me
"I'm not pissed yet"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You deserve a break today...(but only in NYC)

      I’m a little (ok, a lot) ashamed to admit I love McDonald’s. It’s not just someplace you “end up at” like Denny’s (well, maybe a time or 2). I grew up with it. We all did. But it was started in my hometown of San Bernardino, Ca. by Richard and Maurice McDonald in 1940, and they introdued the “Speedee Service System” with a mascot named Speedee, who was replaced by Ronald in ‘67, after Ray Kroc made a deal to franchise the brothers’ business. I had my first burger there when I was 3.
       Addicted. Guilty. I’ve tempered my addiction with resistance, restraint and have become a good cook over the years. My first actual job was as a short order cook at age 17, but that’s a whole other blog! Overall, I would say I eat healthy, nourishing food and a balanced diet (with ice cream being my saddest weakness) but, as Thoreau wrote, “moderation in all things”. And that’s how I justify my occasional Jones for some McDonalds!
Now I told you that story to tell you this one, because during this particular visit to Mickey Dee’s in my adopted hometown of NYC, I was not hungry. At all. I needed to pee. Real bad. Like the proverbial racehorse.
It was a few years back, as I rushed out of the West 4th stop on 3rd, off of the A subway line on my way to the Village and dashed across the street to the McDonald’s. I stood in line for a quick sec (it seemed like an eternity!) and asked the clueless “sales associate” for the bathroom key. He politely told me the bathrooms were for “customers only”. I asked for the manager.
When the supervisor came over, I explained to him my situation and he repeated what Ronald Youngerson McNewbie had said. I told him, on no uncertain terms, that “McDonald’s was born in my hometown. I have been a consumer of Product McDonald for well over 50 years and my entire family has probably dropped $70,000 to $100,000 over those years into the corporate coffer. I had my first burger at 3. I think that qualifies me as a customer. Give me the bathroom key.” He handed the key over.
I went back and visited recently on my way to a Bitter End show, just to see if anything had changed. Before ordering a Big Mac (Yeah, that’s my Jones) I asked for the bathroom key. I was told I didn’t need one! Now, I don’t have Mac’s often but I do get a hankerin’ now and then, the stinkin’, corporate bastards! Yes, I like Mac ‘n Don’s Rainbow Room.....but don’t try to lay no boojee woojee on the King of Rock and Roll!!!
M. Lanning 9/27/11

Monday, September 19, 2011

An Open Letter To Donald Trump...(the STFU blog)

Dear Donald, 
We all know you have been very fortunate and worked very hard in your life to get where you are, with a little luck thrown in for good measure...you have a soul, i know this because you are alive and breathing and somethimes point out things that actually make a lot of sense (like China cleaning our clock and “ripping us off”...good stuff!) But sir, you are letting your Ego use you completely and it’s embarrassing! An “embarras de choix” as it were (embarrassment of riches). As much as you think you are part of the solution, in the big picture, not so much! Your Ego is lying like some huge, fallen tree on the superhighway fastlane of your existence (yes, there is more than just this  particular life to consider). Your Ego is obstructing your path, your view to a gentler course in time.
Your endless need for attention may not be tiring to you, but we are fuckin’ exhausted! There is more to life than just being “The Donald”. You must know this! And the most ironic, hilarious thing about writing this is, the fact that i am writing about this!
Let me get to the point. Stop the “birther” bullshit. It’s counterproductive. And stop pandering to the likes of Alaskan celebrity Sarah Palin and Cowboy Rick Perry. (yes, you are pandering or rather, you’re Ego is) Sad thing is, they are really pandering to you in the hopes (they are praying, maybe?) that you don’t even threaten an independent run for the Presidency. YOU’RE EGO LOVES THIS SHIT!! You can’t help it because as i said earlier, you are letting your Ego use you! Ask yourself the question, “Who is it, that is saying “I”? Access your true self and find what Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature”. Please. Find peace. For all of our sakes!
Otherwise, shut...the...fuck...up.

 P.S. Oh yeah. You said, and I quote, “Meatloaf, should I run for Preisdent?” Yup!! That got said...